Friday, April 16, 2010

Bath Time

Today was apparently Bath Day. Mom just bought some nice organic doggy shampoo with oatmeal, aloe & shea butter & said it would make my fur all nice & soft, & sweet-smelling, too! So I jumped into the tub & waited for her to turn the water on.

Hey! She got some suds on my nose! And she's taking pictures of me naked!!!

I'm wagging my tail because I actually sort of like baths! I like to shake my loose fur all over the tub & shake water all over mom.

Afterwards she wouldn't let me go outside to roll around & get my old smell back. She said I had to dry off inside.

Once I was dry, I got sprayed with a doggy cologne that makes me smell like a big gingerbread cookie! Here I am posing for the camera (you'll have to imagine how good I smell)


FerFer1958 said...

you look adorable and I wish I was there to smell you all over. I'm sure you are smell-able.
very pretty.

Wiggle said...

Oh my! My LucyLucyLullabelle, naked! I bet you smell delicious and yummy! You looked so cute with bubbles on your beautiful little nose.
Love your best boy, Wiggle xxx