Friday, September 3, 2010

Bath Day

Today was a nice, warm, sunny day so I got the long-awaited bath. I really didn't think I needed one because I believe my doggy smell is quite lovely, but apparently mom didn't agree. So I got into the tub & she scrubbed me & rinsed me off, then let me play a bit outside (naked! without my collar!) to dry off.Looking up at mom with my cute face:
Running really fast with my kong on a rope:

Whapping my Kong on a rope!
Taking a little rest from whapping:
Looking very adorable & happy:

If only my boyfriend Wiggle could see (and smell!) me now... *sigh*

1 comment:

FerFer1958 said...

you look very shiny and fluffy.
I guess the bath has good results on your fur.
Love the whapping.