Saturday, November 12, 2011

Something Fabby in the Mail!

Today right before we left to go to Tru Value Hardware, the mail carrier delivered this exciting envelope! Since we were on on way out when it arrived, I had to wait until we got home to open it. It had a stamp of the Queen & it said "Royal Mail" so I knew it was from Wiggle!
 Inside the envelope was this fabby calendar from Labrador Rescue South East & Central ( with Wiggle's late brother, dear old Sir H, gracing the cover in all his muddy glory:
 For January 2012 there is this cute picture of my love, Wiggle, with his flappy ears in the wind & Sir H in the background:
 Close up of Sir H saying hello with Wiggle peeping over his shoulder:
I was so excited after seeing these pictures that I had to go into the back yard to work off some energy as my walk earlier didn't do the trick. Looking at mom through the back door, telling her I want her to come watch me play:
 My stupid, yellow rubber squealing monkey with the silly smirk was just the thing to whap around:
 Monkey is all a-blur with my whapping, BOL!
 Stupid monkey is face down, trying to hide from me, BOL BOL BOL. All in all, a good start to the day!