Thursday, October 7th was my ninth birthday! I had a very exciting day, starting with opening the parcel I had received from my boyfriend, Wiggle, in England! Here I am looking very happy to be nine years old:
Earlier in the week mom came home & saw this exciting parcel waiting on the front porch, addressed to me! Mailman Rich thoughtfully added a doggie treat to it:
It sat on the mantlepiece for a few days along with my card from Wiggle until it was my actual birthday. Then early in the morning, before mom left for work, she let me open it!
On the very top were two beautiful seashells from Wiggle's trip to the Devon coast in August:
He sent me a lovely card and some of his sweet fur was taped to the box. Mom helped me get it open & it was full of these fabulous treats & gifts:
Mom let me have a treat or two & then she left for the office. After work she stopped on the way home at the most fabulous place in the world, Dick's Drive In, to get me my birthday cheeseburger & fries!
I ate all the fries in two bites & then I stuffed the whole cheeseburger in my mouth, bun & all! Mom was worried I was going to choke but I managed to swallow the entire burger in one gulp. I pretty much finished my birthday dinner in under 20 seconds, BOL.
Afterwards, mom fed the cats their dinner & I thought I should have some, too, never mind I had just gobbled down the cheeseburger & fries moments before. So mom gave me ½ serving of my usual kibble. Here I am looking at mom expectantly for my second dinner:
After I had a little rest mom played fetch with me in the backyard & I played with my new, flashing ball from Wiggle! Then the next day I got to go to PJ's to pick out a new toy so I got a new squealing rubber monkey (bwah-ha-ha!) We'll see how long
this one lasts, BOL!